Reporting Procedures
- Pre-entry report : 1~2 hour prior to arrival at pilot station ( Ship name , Call sign, ETA, Destination, Last port of call)
- Entry report : when passing the reporting line
- Arrival report : when berting and anchoring ( Ship name, Call sing, Berting or anchoring position, berting or anchoring time)
- Pre-shifting report : 10 minutes before shifting ( Ship name, Call sign, Shifting position)
- Shifting report : when shifting completion ( Ship name, Call sign, Shifting position, Shifting time)
- Pre-departure report : 10minutes before departure(except, 30minutes before departure at Janghang Port) ( Ship name, Call sign, Departure position)
- Departure report : when departure immidiately ( Ship name, Call sign, Departure position, Departure time, destination)
Pilot boarding ground
- Within radius 1 mile of 35°58′00″N, 126°28′00″E
Call Sign Channel Use Tel(82-63) Fax(82-63) Gunsan VTS Ch. 12 Working & broadcasting 467-1375 467-1953 Ch. 16 Calling, response & emergency 467-1376 Gunsan PILOT Ch. 12 Pilot working 445-4077 445-4070